DBSI-Discovery Real Estate Services (DDRS) is pleased to announce the purchase of an office park in Omaha, Nebraska. North Park One is located at 11808 Grant Street, North Park Two is located at 2121 North 117th Street, and North Park Three is located at 11819 Miami. The combination of properties includes six buildings with an average of 98% occupancy over the past 10 years. Built in the 1990’s, the properties include Class B commercial office buildings.
Centrally located in Omaha, the complex provides easy access to major roadways Interstate 680 and Interstate 80.
DDRS is a nationwide buyer of investment grade commercial properties. Over the last three years, the company has acquired approximately 200 properties valued at over $2 billion. The primary focus of DDRS is on well-positioned, intrinsicvalued real estate opportunities such as retail, office, flex, industrial, and multi-family real estate opportunities. DDRS has three regional acquisition offices located in Atlanta, Boise, and Chicago. For more information, contact Vic Moore in the Atlanta office at 770-841-0001, Bill Fremgen in Boise at 208-489-2600, and Matt Blauvelt in Chicago at 312-212-4456. Information is also available by visiting www.ddrs.net.